Things I wish I knew before I turned 44


Things I wish I knew before I turned 44:


  • Happiness is a State of Mind

More and more millennials talk today about leaving their jobs and living and there is this hype about living your life and cutting out the stress and to promote happiness and satisfaction etc. all of this is true. However what we fail to realize and what I wish I had known years ago is that happiness is a state of mind. It only comes when you take a deep breath. Understand and count your blessings. Stop harassing yourself over the past and the future and live in the moment. That is when happiness becomes yours. And happiness is not dependent on times, circumstances, people or possessions! It’s just something you need to tap from within

  • Love doesn’t mean a significant other

We are brought up to believe in the myths of Fairy Tale prince and Princesses and eternal burning love for our Significant other. With my entire life spent as a bachelorette with a very small spell as a married person I am living proof of how over rated this particular thinking is. No we Do Not need someone to complete our sentences. No we do not need someone to make us complete and, we certainly do not need a significant other or a partner in life to make us happy. If love happens well then great! And if it doesn’t well that is certainly not to mean that we are incomplete. If we would only turn towards the love of a sibling, a child, the love of our friend, parents or just people in general we will realize that we have more than enough relations in our life to make us complete and if we are not in a romantic relationship, well it is of absolutely no consequence. Besides the perks of being in a relationship with yourself are great!

  • What people say is of no Consequence

We are so conditioned to take into account what other people will think of us that we often end up doing or not doing things we regret. People will talk! No matter what! Enjoy the attention darlings! You at the end of the day are responsible for your life. Do what you wish to do and exactly as you wish to do! Everyone else be damned. I have of course seen people go overboard with this sentiment. Doing stuff that isn’t good for them just with the thinking that we don’t care about other people and so we shall do stuff that will set us apart! Remember dears that you are still playing for the crowd! The actual way of going about this is to forget that there is a people or a crowd or someone talking about you and judging you. Once they stop to exist your life is great!

  • Your health should always be your #1 Priority

Sheesh! The torture I’ve put myself through in my younger days! Starving for days and weeks on end to maintain my ideal weight and then in later years working out for hours and hours and being totally exhausted all the time! All to keep myself in adherence to my version of fit and what I should look like! No more. I indulge my foodie instincts, work out enough to care for my body. Sleep as I want to and keep a balance between everything. Sure I stack a few extra pounds or maybe more then a few. But I feel great and I know this body is going to be with my forever so being healthy is of paramount importance. And we should start looking after our healths while we are young. Health should never be taken for granted!

  • Mistakes and failures are the best things in Life

Yes that is exactly what I mean! Mistakes and failures are exactly what we need to thrive, learn, foster our relationship with life and live! We only ever learn from our mistakes. We only ever get stronger with grief. We only ever commit to more when we fail. Never be embarrassed of what you haven’t been able to achieve! Never be brought low with your failures! They are the mentors of life. Live through them and you will tell the tale another day!


Search Keywords:

ThingsIWishIKnewBeforeITurned_43 | Lifestyle | Ramblings | Reflections | HealthAlwaysBe_1st_Priority | WhatPeopleSayIsOfNoConsequence | LoveDoesntMeanASignificantOther | HappinessIsAStateOfMind

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  • Reply Ibrahim April 8, 2019 at 1:50 PM

    Nice Article. Totally loved it. worth reading

  • Reply asfand yar ali April 13, 2018 at 11:48 PM

    happy birthday yoiu dear.

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