A Pakistani Girl’s Guide to Rocking a Hat!

A Pakistani Girl’s Guide to Rocking a Hat | Fashion Accessories Review

Well let’s face it the only kinda hats a girl gets to wear in Pakistan is the Sindhi variety and then that too raises quite a few eyebrows!

But if you are an adventurous dresser like me who wears everything from her Brothers Kurta to her Daughters Jewelry to her mom’s dowry saris to her dads Jackets then you certainly need to experiment with hats.

Be prepared to have quite a few eyebrows raised though  🙂

That’s the fun part of it actually. I’ve gathered a list of some basic hats that we can easily incorporate with our wardrobe and still get away by wearing around here in Pakistan so read on!




The Homburg

Mostly people don’t know the difference between a fedora, a homburg, a panama or a derby and frankly they are different to tell apart. However out of all of these 4 the most flattering to a woman’s face is the Homburg. It has a deep head seat and a narrow brim making it ideal for most faces.

It can also easily transition from a dress/skirt to a jean which makes it versatile and a must have hat for a girl.



The Beret

Absolutely the easiest hat to sport with the biggest impact on your personality. Where a homburg will give you a fun adventurous look the Beret will immediately put you in the classy category. It is best to sport this with a pair of trousers or a long flowing skirt but a jean with a semi-formal top can help you carry the Beret also.  Basically you cannot go wrong with this one.




The Baseball

This one is something which you can wear without raising a single eyebrow. All you will get are good natured remarks on borrowing your brother’s cap. And if you are out and about well it’s sunny so no one will ask. If you are shy but eager to start wearing a hat start with this one. From tied hair to loose, from jeans to even a kurta you can rock the Baseball in almost every way and at every occasion.



The Beanie

You live in Punjab or Baluchistan or even KPK where the temps drop? Perfect reason to sport a beanie. Slightly difficult to rock if you don’t do your hair right but most readily available. Easy to match and incredibly smart in winters. This one too can acclimatize you to wearing hats as a regular staple.

So that’s my take on hats and it’s an easy guide for Pakistani Girls to ease into wearing this accessory. By the way hair accessories and hats are big in all the 2019 International trends so hop onto the bandwagon right before it goes mainstream!

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