The launch of Hotshots

Having spent time in the Advertising and Marketing circles I have a pretty good

idea of how a Company who wants to market its Product/Brand can sometimes

be caught between a vicious circle of its PR Agency, Event Company, Advertising

Agency and the Production House!

The launch of Hotshots however is designed to be a Game Changer

in Pakistan.

Hotshots is the brainchild of the dynamic duo consisting of Nida Aslam and

Erum Kizilbash who have launched the company specifically with

the aim of being a one window solution for their clients.

Whether it’s Marketing, PR Campaigns, Events or Production these girls have set up a

one stop shop so that the essence of the original seed on which the Idea of the

Brand/Campaign is based isn’t lost.

Their launch party where they invited a close circle of friends and clients was a great mix of

people who got together to wish these girls luck on the launch of their company and to network

over some great music and food!

Already the ball is rolling for them with happening events that are lined up in the immediate

future related to Fashion, Sports and FMCG related activities! If their great launch was any indication of things to

come well than Team Tvinkal can’t wait to see what Hotshots will be coming up with soon.

Here to wishing these girls all the luck in their venture!












Search Keywords:

HotshotsLaunch | Hotshots | LaunchParty | NidaAslam | ErumKizilbash | Marketing | PRCampaigns, BrandCompaigns | Brands | Events | Production | Fashion | Sports | FMCG | SocialDiaries | EventReviews

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