A High Protein Shake Full of Anti Oxidants! | International Cuisine

A High Protein Shake Full of Anti Oxidants! - International Cuisine


Milk; 2 mugs

Cinnamon powder; half a tablespoon

Unsweetened dark chocolate; 1 and a half table spoons

Coffee; 1 and a half table spoons

Brown sugar; 2 table spoons

Cubes of ice; 12-15


NOTE: ingredient quantity serves about 3 helpings



Firstly, you pour the milk into the blender followed by the ice cubes. Then you add unsweetened dark chocolate, coffee, cinnamon powder and brown sugar respectively as per the quantity stated above (quantity of ingredients may be increased if you wish to make more than 3 helpings). Close the blender lid and blend the ingredients and Voila! Your protein shake is ready.


This protein shake is basically bitter-sweet, and is a great liquid to consume with a light snack such as a club sandwich. It’s also extremely healthy as it’s full of Anti-Oxidants that are great for a clear skin and the heart. So blend away!


Search Keywords:

Lifestyle | SursKitchen | InternationalCuisine | HighProteinShake | FullOfAntiOxidents | CinnamonPowder | UnsweetenedDarkChocolate | DarkChocolate | Chocolate | Coffee | BrownSuger | Milk | AntiOxidant

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