Anjeer Bites

Guest Blogger: Anjeer Bites Recipe

I don’t know about any of you but I love Anjir and that oh so awesome Anjeer and dry fruit Halwa that you get in

winters…. Delightful!

So when Zeenat Hussain Hakim Jee sent us the Anjeer Bites and the recipe well there was no way we were not

sharing this with our viewers.

So here goes the recipe..



300 grams cashew nuts (or any mix nuts of your choice)

200 grams anjeer

150 grams dates



Roast the nuts on low heat. 200gms anjeer and 150 gm dates chopped in very tiny pieces. In a pan  put 1/2 tsp of

butter  n put chopped  anjeer and dates  n stir  it on mid  heat  till it is cooked  and soft. Then put the finely chopped

nuts and mix well then put in a greased tray to flatten the entire mix. When cool cut into pcs or make small balls and



About Guest Blogger:


Guest Blogger: Zeenat Hussain Hakim Jee

Zeenat Hussain Hakim Jee

A housewife and grandmother she decided not to let her experience and education go to waste and hence she has

started writing which runs in her blood as her late father Ahmed Jivanjee was a well known writer of Karachi.


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