Extreme Hair Care | Beauty Tips Discussions!

Extreme Hair Care | Beauty Tips Discussions | Influencers

So I grew up with knee length tresses and a braid thick, long and black brown. Back when I was a teen coloring hair wasn’t exactly an option as it was something my parents frowned upon. Later with marriage, divorce, a kid and with the actual world closing in I never really felt like experimenting except to get it chopped waist length and make it more manageable. Doubt me not the hair was still a head turner (Yep, I just wrote that sleazy line).

However, come the late thirties and I detected a few grey strands. And being the impetuous person I am off it was to a renowned hairdresser who cut my hair in a longish pixie and gave me some highlights. Those next few months were a nightmare! It was like I had no hair on my scalp and the quality of the hair! Ugh! But I got a taste of color on my hair and I had no intentions of letting that go and so I developed an excellent hair wash routine that meant that my only trips to the salon are color maintenance related.

Read up!


Be very careful here. It’s better to go with a professional grade shampoo and highly recommended to drop the fancy packaged advertisement ones. A salon formula intended for professionals will go the extra mile on your hair. However be careful while choosing the right one for your hair as it’s likely to be a lot stronger in delivering on its promise.


No question of ever not using a conditioner. Try one that matches your shampoo and once you are a savvy professional care buyer feel free to mix and match the various labels to come up with the best possible solution for your hair. Better to leave it on for about 3 to 5 minutes. Scrubbing your feet and brushing your teeth are the ideal way to pass the time here.


If you color your hair regularly or its subjected to color striping and/or intensive heat styling then this here is a must use every time you wash hair. Yeap you heard me right, every time you wash your hair. Now leaving it for a few minutes is more than enough as it will build upon the foundation that the conditioner has laid, however if you have straw hair leave it on for 10 minutes at least. Scrub your body or cleanse your face but leave that on.


After the above finish off your hair care routine with one or more serums. Usually I use Argon Oil as a nutrient and an anti-frizz serum as the finishing touch. If I have a high maintenance color I use a color protect serum too

Below are some points to keep in mind:

  • If you have curly hair then brushing it is probably not an option for you. So before rinsing your conditioner, comb your hair out. It will get detangled and the next in line applications of mask and serum will be much more effective.
  • Don’t shy away from discussing your product choices with your stylist. Chances are that you will be buying the products in quantities much larger the your usual drug store variety so ensure that you know what you are investing in.
  • If hair is super dry or you need a super glossy look for a special occasion leave protein mask for an hour on your hair for ultra soft hydrated locks.
  • Always discuss maintenance protocols of your hair cut and color before you opt for a particular choice.


Search Keywords:

Shampoo | Salon | SalonFormula | Conditioner | Mask | BrushHairs | Serum | ExtremeHairCare | HairCare | HairCareTips | Tips | Beauty | BeautyTips | TeamTvinkal | Influencers

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  • Reply Haris khan 001 March 21, 2020 at 9:06 PM

    Now this is very interesting and helpful article, thanks for sharing this wonderful post..

  • Reply L’Oreal It Is | TVINKAL June 3, 2018 at 3:36 PM

    […] Extreme Hair Care […]

  • Reply Jo June 16, 2017 at 12:11 AM

    I’ve been dying my hair since I was.. 17. My dad wasn’t that happy either! lol
    Was a redhead for a while. Red made the green come out of my eyes! (my eyes are brown/greenish)

    • Reply tvinkal June 24, 2017 at 5:18 AM

      Yeah Red is the best there is!

  • Reply shahbano March 26, 2017 at 6:21 AM


  • Reply Tvinkal March 26, 2017 at 5:57 AM

    Beautiful Girl, I go to Aphey the stylist.You can seek her out on Facebook as she has a page there under the same name

  • Reply beautiful girl March 26, 2017 at 5:56 AM

    where you get your hair coloured

  • Reply Tvinkal March 17, 2017 at 9:27 PM

    Thank you Surriya!

  • Reply Surriya March 17, 2017 at 4:04 PM


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