A Quick Organic Dengue Fever Fix


The Country is in the throes of a Dengue epidemic unfortunately and just recently my nephew developed a case of it also.

My family is very much into natural medicine and alternate therapies and whereas he received full medical care as per a specialist, we (as soon as he was diagnosed) immediately searched for an alternate remedy.

The most proclaimed one is papaya juice and Papaya Leaf Tea. And so at once both the Juice and the tea were administered to the little one.

Now I would really not like to exaggerate here but frankly it was actually like a miracle and the child seemed to get better right in front of our eyes. Within 24 hours there was a remarkable improvement in his condition and his lethargy and high fever and vomiting had all but vanished.

Even though most of us understand and tout the benefits of these Totkas as they are known in our country I have also observed that when something goes wrong we rush to a doctor and do not give any other form of healing a chance. I guess it’s fair also because we don’t really know the outcome but along with the conventional Allopathic solutions we really must give the traditional methods a chance too.

It saved my nephew a lot of days when he would have suffered needlessly through a very scary disease.

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