Clean Snacking!

Clean Snacking

Salads are nutritious they are healthy and they are a must have.

But I’ve always considered the greens and especially the leafy ones a lot of hardship.

Even when dining out I will surely substitute a soup for a salad and avoid the greens.

But my 2018 resolution to keep my health foremost has forced me, the greatest foodie I know at

least, on a healthy eating path. So keeping it fun is my biggest challenge.

The first thing I did was incorporate salads into my routine. Ideal season to begin also.

But to avoid deviation or total off tracking by keeping it enjoyable is the challenge.

And so I devised my own mix of salads that consist of the healthy and the delicious and coupled

it with a healthy dip thereby keeping the entire routine palatable.

The salad consists of small equal portions of radish, carrots, cucumbers and celery.

The dip is yogurt (the absolute probiotic) with ground fresh green chilies (which are a great

way to jump start your metabolism) and a pinch of salt!

I take my salad an hour before dinner which gives you a much needed boost at the end of a day and

helps you eat less dinner too!

Remember that clean eating can be fun!


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